The world is experiencing a rise in the use of drugs and psychotropic substances triggering an increase in novel supply markets to meet the burgeoning demand. As new avenues of drug trafficking emerge, police forces and law enforcement agencies have begun collaborating to thwart the supply chain channels. Additionally, governments and public health agencies must equally remain cautious and work with law enforcement agencies in educating communities on the ill effects of drugs to nurture an addiction-immune generation.

The Anti-narcotics conference will feature high-level dialogues that will shed light on the intricacies of drug trade across economies and examine forward-looking programmes to augment community awareness of the ill effects of psychotropic substances, counter addiction, and support rehabilitation.


2024 Agenda

Thursday 7 March 2024

09:30 - 09:35

Location: Theater A

Welcome Speech

Track: Anti-Narcotics

09:35 - 09:40

Location: Theater A

Film Screening

Track: Anti-Narcotics

09:40 - 10:10


Strategic Session

Location: Theater A

United Nations Strategy to Counter the Technical Use of Illicit Drug Trafficking and Psychotropic Substances

Track: Anti-Narcotics

10:10 - 10:40


Strategic Session

Location: Theater A

The First Axis: A Prospective Session Electronic Marketing: New Horizons for Drug Smuggling

Track: Anti-Narcotics

10:45 - 11:45

Leadership Interview

Strategic Session

Location: Theater A

The Second Axis: International Cooperation and Its Role in Reducing Drug Smuggling

Track: Anti-Narcotics

11:45 - 12:15

Networking Break

13:15 - 13:35

Leadership Interview

Strategic Session

Location: Theater A

The Third Axis: The Role of International Organizations and Community Care and Service Institutions in Protecting Young People from Drug Abuse

Track: Anti-Narcotics

13:15 - 14:15


Strategic Session

Location: Theater A

The Fourth Axis: Best Practices and International Experiences in the Field of International Cooperation to Combat Drugs

Track: Anti-Narcotics