The changing criminal landscape has redefined the roles and responsibilities of police forces as well as the pace of technology adoption. The availability of drones and their impressive payloads are supporting police forces across an array of tasks ranging from front-line operations to surveillance missions.

The World Police Summit’s Drones Conference serves as the prime platform for police forces and law enforcement agencies to discuss and fathom the latest advances in unmanned aerial systems that cater to a multitude of police operations ranging from emergency missions to crime scene investigations.

2023 Agenda

Tuesday 7 March 2023

13:30 - 13:45


Strategic Session

Location: THEATRE C

Opening Remarks

Track: Drones

13:40 - 14:00


13:45 - 14:15


Strategic Session

Location: THEATRE C

Red Teaming the FIFA World Cup 2022

Track: Drones

14:15 - 15:00

Leadership Panel

Strategic Session

Location: THEATRE C

Drone Integration: Current Trends & Where We’re Going

Track: Drones

15:00 - 15:15


Technical Session

Location: THEATRE C

Case Study the Drone Wars- Police Drones vs. Drug-Cartels’ Drones in Mexico

Track: Drones

15:00 - 15:20


Strategic Session

Location: THEATRE C

UTM Trends and C-UAS Challenges

Track: Drones

15:20 - 16:00

Leadership Panel

Strategic Session

Location: THEATRE C

Leveraging C-UAS in the Fight Against Crime: Considerations for Police and Law Enforcement Agencies to Bolster Drone Capabilities

Track: Drones

16:00 - 16:20


Strategic Session

Location: THEATRE C

Police Drone Training: 21st Century Training for a 21st Century Tool

Track: Drones

16:20 - 16:35

Technical Session

Location: THEATRE C

The Drone wars- Police Drones vs. Drug-cartels’ drones in Mexico by Rabdan Academy

Track: Drones

16:35 - 16:50


Technical Session

Location: THEATRE C

New Counter-drone Technology and Forensics in the Cloud

Track: Drones