As a crucial pillar of the policing ecosystem, K9 teams have become indispensable units for police forces saving them several operational man-hours and driving faster identification of trafficked goods, psychotropic substances, and criminals. Thanks to their impressive olfactory capabilities, they serve on a myriad of critical missions supporting police forces to take down suspects whilst protecting officers from harm.

Gathering international canine experts, the K9 Conference is a unique platform for senior experts from police forces to explore and demonstrate proven training and canine handling strategies to support law enforcement officers and gain insights into the latest technologies that can augment K9 training programmes, enhance their olfactory senses
and drive the proper breeding of canines for police operations.


2024 Agenda

Thursday 7 March 2024

08:30 - 08:50

Location: Theater D

Opening Remarks and the Presentation of the Lycian Dogs

Track: K9 in Police and Law Enforcement

09:00 - 09:30


Strategic Session

Location: Theater D

Latest Practices in the Search and Rescue Dogs

Track: K9 in Police and Law Enforcement

09:30 - 10:00


Strategic Session

Location: Theater D

Common Gastrointestinal Disorders in German Shepherd Dogs: ARD, IBD, EPI - What is New?

Track: K9 in Police and Law Enforcement

10:30 - 11:00


Strategic Session

Location: Theater D

Riot Dog Practices

Track: K9 in Police and Law Enforcement

11:00 - 11:30

Location: Theater D

Break Followed by Police Dog Show

11:30 - 12:00

Location: Theater D

Gastric Dilation Volvulus: Predisposing Factors, Stabilization/Decompression and Surgical Management

Track: K9 in Police and Law Enforcement

12:00 - 12:30


Strategic Session

Location: Theater D

Latest EDD Practices and Training

Track: K9 in Police and Law Enforcement

12:30 - 13:00


13:00 - 13:30

Location: Theater D


Track: K9 in Police and Law Enforcement

13:30 - 14:00

Location: Theater D

Technical | Keynote Session

Track: K9 in Police and Law Enforcement