Police forces around the world have been rapidly embracing technology and research to stay ahead of criminals, prevent crime and protect communities. New policing strategies demand backing from research to uncover what works and what does not work in policing.

The World Police Summit invites global experts from police forces, law enforcement agencies, universities, research institutions and the private sector with vested interests in public safety and security to submit their research findings, tactical strategies, technical innovations, state-of-the-art technologies, and best practices that meet the immediate priorities of the entire policing and law enforcement ecosystem.

All submitted abstracts will go through an unbiased review and evaluation process by the Technical Committee, composed of senior law enforcement professionals and domain experts. Successful authors will be invited to speak at the technical sessions of the respective conferences covering Crime Prevention, Forensics, Anti-Narcotics, Police innovation & Resilience, Drones and K9.

Technical Categories

Experts can choose from across 7 thematic technical categories, all of which have multiple subcategories addressing the pressing priorities for policing and law enforcement agencies.

Please have a thorough read through all the categories and select one category that describes your abstract best. Please do not submit the same abstract more than once, as duplicates will be deleted.

1 Crime And Criminal Justice
  • Tourist Police
  • Cybercrime
  • Economic Crimes
  • Organized Crime
  • International Most Wanted
  • Crime Prevention
  • Money Laundering
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Chemistry and Toxins
  • Forensic Medicine
  • Digital Evidence
  • Crime Scene
  • Criminal Psychology
  • Pattern Analysis
  • Forensic Evidence
  • Biology and DNA
6 DRUG Trafikking
  • Anti-narcotics
12 K9
  • K9 Breeding
  • K9 Health and Wellness
  • K9 Training
  • AI in K9
9 LEADERSHIP Org Resilience
  • Terrorism
  • Supply chains and Geopolitical Events
  • Flexible Community
  • Organizational Agility
10 Transport Safety
  • Self-driving Vehicles
  • Micromobility
11 Drones
  • Drones Technology
  • Airspace Management
  • Monitoring and Response Systems

Important Dates

Guidelines for accepted abstracts

  • All authors who submitted their abstracts will receive an email by December 2023 stating if their abstracts have been accepted or not.
  • Authors of accepted abstracts will be required to prepare PowerPoint presentations, detailed instructions on the preparation will be sent to all authors once acceptance to speak has been received.
  • World Police Summit does not require authors to submit their technical papers, as we do not publish these.
  • All selected presenters will receive complimentary access to the respective conference they’re presenting in. However, all the co-authors are required to purchase a pass if they would like to attend.
  • The organiser assumes no obligation for expenses by authors for travel and accommodation to attend and speak at the event.