The new World Police Summit Awards have been created to identify and acknowledge the achievements of the world’s best individuals and teams in policing and law enforcement.

Across ten categories, the annual Awards uphold the highest international standards and set new performance benchmarks in law enforcement to celebrate the individuals and teams who have made a critical contribution to transforming policing operations, organisational excellence, scientific achievements, and community relations worldwide
over the past year.

Awards Jury Evaluation Process

  • All entries received online will be checked by the organisers (dmg events) and the host of the Summit (Dubai Police) before reaching the jury, for validity against submission criteria and guidelines before these progress onto the next stage of jury evaluation.
  • Each judge will evaluate all the submitted entries on the online review portal.
  • Scores from the online review are then tabulated and the top seven entries in each category will be shortlisted.
  • The jury members will meet and review the shortlisted entrants in each category and four finalists will be chosen in each category.
  • Finalists will be announced and informed after the Jury meeting. Winners will be kept confidential and announced only at the event.
  • The decision of the Jury will be final and binding.


This award category recognises the accomplishments of exceptional criminal investigation teams from the global police forces who have implemented remarkable strategies for solving complex crimes and tracking down criminals

  • Any crime prevention, criminal identification, or intelligence teams from global police forces who have applied forward-looking strategies in their day-to-day operations or on any case/mission.
  • Entries can be submitted by teams within police forces or law enforcement agencies
  • Entries can relate to any crime form including homicide, drug trafficking, financial crime, cybercrime, etc.
  • Please submit separate entries for each team/crime form in case you have different departments that would like to submit entries highlighting their initiatives.

Cover letter:

The entry must include a cover letter summarising why the team/unit is submitting an entry for this award category. The cover letter must be 500 words or less, personalised, and must articulate the team’s journey and story in solving a complex crime. The cover letter must include information on key initiatives, strategies, and cross-border initiatives, if any, thave has helped solve the crime or identify criminals.


  • Cover letters can either be typed into the text box provided in the portal or may be uploaded as an attachment (word document or PDF)
  • If the crime form relates to drug trafficking, please submit an entry in the ‘Best Anti-Narcotics Programme of the Year’ category.

Acknowledgment letters (mandatory)

Please include at least one acknowledgment/recommendation letter from your superiors or the head of the department highlighting the team’s efforts. Accepted formats: PDFs or image files (JPG/PNG). Letters that do not have signatures will not be accepted. Letters must be addressed to the Awards Jury of the World Police Awards 2024.

Other supporting documents (Optional)

  • Links to any news articles, interviews, or publications that highlight the crime
  • Photos or links to industry awards or recognition received if any

Measurable Impact (50%)

Please explain the impact your team has had in reducing, predicting, preventing, or solving a crime or tracking down criminals. For example, collaborating with foreign police teams in tracking down an international suspect, or working with the community to enhance their awareness of crime patterns and terrorist situations. Try to quantify the societal impact as much as possible (for example, as an economic impact); the more numbers you include, the better.

 Innovation (30%)

Please explain how your unit has embraced innovation (process or technology) to solve, prevent or predict crime. For example, employing technology to solve a crime that has never been used in the country/region/globally. Please note that innovation does not necessarily imply something completely new, for example, if a technology/process has been replicated from another region for the first time, this certainly counts as being innovative.

 Transferability (20%)

How easy is it to replicate the best practices of your strategy/technology/process and apply them to other locations locally or globally? Does it have the potential to become an industry best practice?


This award category recognises the best anti-narcotics and drug awareness programmes of global police forces, drug enforcement, and public health agencies that have had a substantial impact on the reduction of narcotics supply or a decline in substance use across societies.

  • Teams within global police forces, drug enforcement agencies and public health institutions (including health ministries) who have championed novel drug awareness campaigns in their jurisdiction or have successfully performed a large-scale drug bust.
  • Entries can be on countering drug trafficking, drug awareness, de-addiction or rehabilitation programmes
  • Entries can be submitted by teams within police forces or law enforcement agencies
  • Please submit separate entries for each programme in case you have separate initiatives for awareness, rehabilitation, etc.

Cover letter:

The entry must include a cover letter summarising why the team/unit is submitting an entry for this award category. The cover letter must be 500 words or less, personalised, and must articulate the team’s journey and story in enhancing the society’s awareness of drugs. The cover letter must include information on key initiatives, strategies, and cross-border initiatives, if any, that have helped the programme.

Note: Cover letters can either be typed into the text box provided in the portal or may be uploaded as an attachment (word document or PDF).

Acknowledgment letters (mandatory)

Please include at least one acknowledgment/recommendation letter from your superiors or the head of the department highlighting the team’s efforts. Accepted formats: PDFs or image files (JPG/PNG). Letters that do not have signatures will not be accepted. Letters must be addressed to the Awards Jury of the World Police Awards 2024.

Other supporting documents (Optional)

  • Links to any news articles, interviews, or publications that highlight the crime
  • Photos or links to industry awards or recognition received if any

Measurable Impact (50%)

Please explain the impact your team has had in solving a drug bust, tracking down drug traffickers, educating the communities on the ill effects of substance abuse and addiction, or supporting drug rehabilitation. Try to quantify the societal impact as much as possible (for example, as an economic impact in the case of drug trafficking); the more numbers you include, the better.

 Innovation (30%)

Please explain how your unit has embraced innovation (process or technology) to solve a drug bust, track down traffickers or enhance community awareness. For example, employing intelligence and technology to track down an international suspect involved in a trans-national drug crime that has never been used in the country/region/globally. Please note that innovation does not necessarily imply something completely new, for example, if a technology/process has been replicated from another region for the first time, this certainly counts as being innovative.

 Transferability (20%)

How easy is it to replicate the best practices of your strategy/technology/process and apply them to other locations locally or globally? Does it have the potential to become an industry best practice?


The Commander-in-Chief Award for Excellence in the Field of Forensic Science recognizes novel and innovative use of forensic science tools and techniques by entities engaged in law enforcement activities. Model nominations should demonstrate how the current forensic science innovation aided criminal investigations and the wider impact of its use. Exemplary nominations should also illustrate how the current forensic science innovation was tested and subjected to scientific rigor.

  • Teams within global police forces, drug enforcement agencies, research institutions, and academia who have spearheaded ground-breaking scientific methodologies, and research programmes to solve crime.
  • Entries can be related to any crime form and any vertical within forensics and criminology including genetics, fingerprints, digital forensics, etc.
  • Open for multiple entries from departments within a police force, law enforcement agency, research institution, or academia.
  • Entry can be submitted on an individual or team level.

Cover letter:

The entry must include a cover letter summarising why the team/unit is submitting an entry for this award category. The cover letter must be 500 words or less, personalised, and must articulate the team’s (or the individual’s) journey and story in championing the scientific research/project for the benefit of the force. The cover letter must include information on key initiatives, research methodologies, and cost benefits, if any, that have helped the programme.

Note: Cover letters can either be typed into the text box provided in the portal or may be uploaded as an attachment (word document or PDF).

Acknowledgment letters (mandatory)

Please include at least one acknowledgment/recommendation letter from your superiors or the head of the department highlighting the team’s efforts. Accepted formats: PDFs or image files (JPG/PNG). Letters that do not have signatures will not be accepted. Letters must be addressed to the Awards Jury of the World Police Awards 2024.

Other supporting documents (Optional)

  • Links to any news articles, interviews, or publications that highlight the crime
  • Photos or links to industry awards or recognition received if any

Measurable Impact (50%)

Please highlight how you (or your team) have made exceptional contributions to the development of forensic science. Try to quantify the scientific impact of your research on the enhancement of criminal identification/criminology/crime scene investigation as much as possible; the more numbers you include, the better.

 Innovation (30%)

Please explain how you (or your team) have embraced science, technology, and innovation to enhance the forensic capabilities of your force. Please note that innovation does not necessarily imply something completely new, for example, if a technology/process has been replicated from another region for the first time, this certainly counts as being innovative.

 Transferability (20%)

How easy is it to replicate the best practices of your strategy/technology/process and apply them to other locations locally or globally? Does it have the potential to become an industry best practice?


This award category recognises ground-breaking innovation programmes within global police forces that have a major influence on enhancing the day-to-day operations of police forces or augmenting public safety and security.

  • Teams within global police forces and law enforcement agencies who have spearheaded innovative methodologies, technologies, and research programmes to solve crimes or enhance operational capabilities of the force.
  • Entries can be related to any type of innovation within police forces and law enforcement agencies including operational enhancement, training, officer wellbeing, traffic safety, etc.
  • Open for multiple entries from departments within a police forces and law enforcement agencies.
  • Entry can be submitted on an individual or team level.

Cover letter:

The entry must include a cover letter summarising why the team/unit is submitting an entry for this award category. The cover letter must be 500 words or less, personalised, and must articulate the team’s (or the individual’s) journey and story in championing the scientific research/project for the benefit of the force. The cover letter must include information on key initiatives, research methodologies, and cost benefits, if any, that have helped the force.

Note: Cover letters can either be typed into the text box provided in the portal or may be uploaded as an attachment (word document or PDF).

Acknowledgment letters (mandatory)

Please include at least one acknowledgment/recommendation letter from your superiors or the head of the department highlighting the team’s efforts. Accepted formats: PDFs or image files (JPG/PNG). Letters that do not have signatures will not be accepted. Letters must be addressed to the Awards Jury of the World Police Awards 2024.

Other supporting documents (Optional)

  • Links to any news articles, interviews, or publications that highlight the crime
  • Photos or links to industry awards or recognition received if any

Measurable Impact (50%)

Please highlight how your force has embraced innovation to enhance day-to-day operations or to enhance public safety and security. Try to quantify the impact of the innovation projects as much as possible; the more numbers you include, the better.

 Quality of the delivery (30%)

Was the project completed on time and within budget? Did the project deliverables match or exceed the initial objectives? Was the community/public involved in enhancing the project’s efficiency? Describe the challenges that were faced and how they were dealt with. What lessons were learned to improve the management of future projects?

 Transferability (20%)

How easy is it to replicate the best practices of your strategy/technology/process and apply them to other locations locally or globally? Does it have the potential to become an industry best practice?


  • Teams within global police forces and law enforcement agencies who have spearheaded innovative methodologies, technologies, and research programs in the road safety field / traffic
  • Entries can be related to any type of innovation within police forces and law enforcement agencies including operational enhancement, training, officer wellbeing, traffic safety,
  • Open for multiple entries from departments within a police forces and law enforcement
  • Entry can be submitted on a team level

Cover Letter:

  • Elaborate on why this agency should be selected for this Describe the history, impact, and innovation that make the nomination special* .
  • Include evidence of demonstrated success and elaborate on the resolutions to the conflicts identified along with reflecting the outcomes or results.
  • Explain how this entry reflects pioneering and leadership and how can others benefit from lessons learned or best practices?
  • Demonstrated leadership skills including but not limited to initiatives taken to improve internal processes and team performance and processes; bolstered community relationships, and enhance public safety and security within the field of road safety
  • Initiatives taken to mentor and advance team members in the field of road
  • Implemented practices to improve their area of expertise
  • Going over and beyond their line of duty to break organizational bias and champion women empowerment across the
  • Results and outputs reflected within their field of expertise towards the city, society, community and
  • Evidence of approval letters and
  • Acknowledgement letters (mandatory) – addressed to the Awards Jury of the World Police Summit
  • Supporting documents (Optional) [News Article(s), Publication(s), , Certificate of Appreciation, Analytics, Photos & Video, Awards, and
  • Description of history, impact and innovation (10%)
  • Evidence of demonstration (outcomes, results and conflicts identified) within the field of road safety / traffic safety (20%)
  • Knowledge transfer implemented from lessons learned / best practices (15%)
  • Demonstration of leadership and initiatives taken to improve within the field (20%)
  • Training and development of team members in the field (20%)
  • Improvement in the area of expertise (15%)


  • Police app’s that add value to the society and citizens.
  • Police force headquarters are only eligible to nominate in this category.
  • Please do not submit your entries more than once.
  • Individuals may not submit for this category.
  • Smart police app’s that have reflected outstanding outputs and results in enhancing the life of citizens.
  • The smart app must expose and reflect design, technology, innovation, features and user experience.

Cover Letter:

The entry must include a cover letter summarizing why the force has been nominated. The cover letter must be personalized and must articulate the force’s journey and story in creating the smart app. The cover letter must include information on:

  • Demonstrated leadership skills including but not limited to initiatives taken to improve internal processes and team performance and processes; bolstered community relationships, and enhance public safety and security within the creation of the police smart app.
  • Initiatives taken to mentor and advance team members
  • Implemented practices to improve their area of expertise (tactical, field operations, etc.)
  • Going over and beyond their line of duty to break organizational bias and champion women empowerment across the force.
  • Results and outputs reflected from the smart police app towards the city, society, community and citizens.
  • Evidence of approval letters and verification.
  • Acknowledgement letters (mandatory) – addressed to the Awards Jury of the World Police Summit 2024.
  • Supporting documents (Optional) [News Article(s), Publication(s), , Certificate of Appreciation, Analytics, Photos & Video, Awards, and Recognitions.
  • Describe the smart police app and its aim: A clear description of the app, its aim, its availability on all platforms and number of users. (20%)
  • Target category: Clarify all target categories and elaborate on each category is benefiting from the app. (10%)
  • The challenges that the app solves along with its effect on the society and the organization: Explain the challenges that the app has solved, tangible and intangible results. (15%)
  • Significant features and specifications: Elaborate on the ease of use and to what extent are modern technologies are used (20%)
  • Significant obstacles and barriers within the development stages and how were they solved. (20%)
  • Security: Standards and procedures applied to ensure the protection of the application. (15%)


  • Global police forces / law enforcement agencies and their teams that have spearheaded innovative methodologies, technologies, and research programs in providing exceptional services towards customers as citizens of the society.
  • Entries can be related to any type of service that is provided and reflected as innovative / significant /smart or inventive within police forces and law enforcement agencies including those services that impact security, public safety, traffic safety, uphold law, preventing crime, improving the quality of life, enforcing traffic law and attending to emergencies exposing a positive output to improve the competitive position the organization / agency / entity holds and possibly investing such results and impacts in the future.
  • Entries must expose and reflect the volume of creative initiatives in a non-stereotypical manner in the field of customer service to contribute to current and future challenges along with adapting with future directions and objectives.
  • Open for multiple entries from departments within a police forces and law enforcement agencies.
  • Entry can be submitted on a(n) Agency or Team level only.

Cover Letter:

  • Elaborate on why this agency should be selected for this award. Describe the history, impact, and innovation that make the nomination special.
  • Include evidence of demonstrated success and elaborate on the resolutions to the conflicts identified along with reflecting the outcomes or results.
  • Explain how this entry reflects pioneering and leadership and how can others benefit from lessons learned or best practices?
  • Demonstrated leadership skills including but not limited to initiatives taken to improve internal processes and team performance and processes; bolstered community relationships, and enhance public safety and security within the field of customer service along with exposing the significant variables of the customer’s experience input and output.
  • Initiatives taken to mentor and advance team members in the field of customer service.
  • Implemented practices to improve their area of expertise.
  • Going over and beyond their line of duty to break organizational bias and champion women empowerment across the force.
  • Results and outputs reflected within their field of expertise towards the city, society, community and citizens through the exceptional service(s) provided.
  • Evidence of approval letters and verification.
  • Acknowledgement letters (mandatory) – addressed to the Awards Jury of the World Police Summit 2024.
  • Supporting documents (Optional) [News Article(s), Publication(s), , Certificate of Appreciation, Analytics, Photos & Video, Awards, and Recognitions.
  • Description of history, impact and innovation along with addressing challenges and how were they resolved by describing proactive approaches and opportunity seizure techniques to achieve the objective of the entity by previewing distinguished achievements that helped in providing an added value to link with the entity by measuring the impact in achieving the mission, vision and objectives of the entity. (35%)
  • Evidence of demonstration (outcomes, results and conflicts identified) within the field of customer service and showcasing how knowledge transfer was implemented from lessons learned / best practices along with showing the diversification of skills and experiences that are set to be in line with the future. (25%)
  • Demonstration of leadership and initiatives taken to improve within the field in a creative and innovative manner along with describing their volume in contributing to current and futuristic challenges along with reflecting levels of adaptation towards the future along with demonstrating the efforts to absorb institutional challenges, learn about the initiatives launched by the government aligned to global trends. (20%)
  • Training and development of team members in the field and describing how good citizenship is attained within the entity by influencing effective communication towards all cultures by valuing the acceptance of diversity, upholding the values of tolerance in the entity on an internal and external level, sharing positivity within the working environment on an internal and external scale along with showing the contribution made towards the development of teamwork and showing improvement key-points in the area of expertise. (20%)


This award category recognises the accomplishments of outstanding women in the global policing and law enforcement spectrum for their exemplary leadership and operational skillsets, that have had a significant impact on their agency and for their continuous drive for growth and success both personally and professionally.

  • Female officers who have overcome hard circumstances to join the force or were able to break stereotypes in their fields through their hard work and dedication, or
  • Female officers who have shown an outstanding track record of operational/tactical expertise, team/unit management, and mentorship, or
  • Individuals working within a police force’s operational, field, leadership, or civilian roles functions can submit entries
  • Entries can be made by the individual directly. Colleagues, peers or other representatives from the police force may also submit an entry on behalf of the individual
  • Police forces may nominate more than one employee/individual in this category
  • Please do not submit your entries more than once. If multiple entries are received for the same person, the most recent entry will be considered, and older entries will be deleted
  • Awards Jury Members cannot be nominated or nominate themselves in this category

Cover letter:

The entry must include a cover letter summarising why the individual has been nominated. The cover letter must be personalised and must articulate the nominee’s journey and story. The cover letter must include information on:

  • Demonstrated leadership skills including but not limited to initiatives taken to improve internal processes and team performance and processes; bolstered community relationships, and enhance public safety and security.
  • Initiatives taken to mentor and advance team members
  • Implemented practices to improve their area of expertise (tactical, field operations, etc.)
  • Going over and beyond their line of duty to break organisational bias and champion women empowerment across the force.

 Note: Cover letters can either be typed into the text box provided in the portal or may be uploaded as an attachment (word document or PDF).

Acknowledgment letters (mandatory)

Please include at least one acknowledgment/recommendation letter from your superiors, peers, internal stakeholders, direct reports, or clients. Accepted formats: PDFs or image files (JPG/PNG). Letters that do not have signatures will not be accepted. Letters must be addressed to the Awards Jury of the World Police Awards 2024.

Other supporting documents (Optional)

  • Links to any articles, interviews, or publications authored on police strategies or advancing leadership, inclusion, and diversity within the force
  • Photos or links to industry awards or recognition received if any

Measurable achievements and significant indicators of progress (30%)

Please highlight professional achievements within your career. Examples include leading a tactical operations team, successfully leading a change/research within the force that has had a major impact on the day-to-day operations, or creating processes to further enhance productivity in field operations, back office, intelligence, etc. Personal achievements may be included.

Innovation (20%)

Please highlight how you have innovated within your role. Examples include creating/introducing a new technology or process that has helped the force save time and money; thought of and implementing an out-of-the-box idea that helped transform your department/project, amongst others.

 Impact (30%)

Please highlight your initiative/project that has a direct or indirect impact on public safety, community happiness, or the development of your organisation (police force/law enforcement agency). The geographical focus of the impact can be local, regional, or international.

Professional skills and job know-how (20%)

Successfully demonstrated professional skills and job know-how and has taken substantial effort in continuously upgrading this knowledge. This can include information on courses undertaken, and articles and publications authored.

Please note that this is not restricted to technical/tactical field know-how only. This can include your learning and development within your job function as HR, finance, administration, IT, road safety, intelligence, training, research, and day-to-day operations.


This award category recognises the accomplishments of outstanding men and women in the global policing and law enforcement spectrum for their exemplary professional achievements despite their physical challenges.

  • Incumbent police officers or civilians from law enforcement organization who have gone beyond their call of duty to protect the communities they serve in despite their physical challenges
  • Officers or employees who suffered disabilities due to injuries caused by the fieldwork, yet were able to continue a high level of performance in serving the force or law enforcement organization can also submit entries for this category
  • Individuals working within a police force’s operational, field, leadership, or civilian roles functions can submit entries
  • Entries can be made by the individual directly. Colleagues, peers or other representatives from the police force may also submit an entry on behalf of the individual
  • Police forces may nominate more than one employee/individual in this category
  • Please do not submit your entries more than once. If multiple entries are received for the same person, the most recent entry will be considered, and older entries will be deleted
  • Awards Jury Members cannot be nominated or nominate themselves in this category

Cover letter:

The entry must include a cover letter summarising why the individual has been nominated. The cover letter must be personalised and must articulate the nominee’s journey and story. The cover letter must include information on:

  • Personal or professional achievements that underline the person’s drive for success and growth
  • Initiatives taken to enhance their professional or educational skillsets for the benefit of the police force
  • Implemented practices to improve their area of expertise (tactical, field operations, etc.)
  • Programmes that emphasize the individual going over and beyond their line of duty to break organisational bias and champion diversity across the force can also be included

 Note: Cover letters can either be typed into the text box provided in the portal or may be uploaded as an attachment (word document or PDF).

Acknowledgment letters (mandatory)

Please include at least one acknowledgment/recommendation letter from your superiors, peers, internal stakeholders, direct reports, or clients. Accepted formats: PDFs or image files (JPG/PNG). Letters that do not have signatures will not be accepted. Letters must be addressed to the Awards Jury of the World Police Awards 2024.

Other supporting documents (Optional)

  • Links to any articles, interviews, or publications authored on police strategies or advancing leadership, inclusion, and diversity within the force
  • Photos or links to industry awards or recognition received if any

Measurable achievements and significant indicators of progress (40%)

Please highlight professional achievements within your career despite your physical disabilities. Examples include leading a tactical operations team, enhancing community happiness/safety, successfully leading a change/research within the force that has had a major impact on the day-to-day operations, or creating processes to further enhance productivity in field operations, back office, and intelligence, etc. Personal achievements may be included.

 Impact (40%)

Please highlight your initiative/project that has a direct or indirect impact on public safety, community happiness, or the development of your organisation (police force/law enforcement agency) or taking initiatives to encourage people with disabilities to be a part of the police force or engage in community safety. The geographical focus of the impact can be local, regional, or international.

 Professional skills and job know-how (20%)

Successfully demonstrated professional skills and job know-how and has taken substantial effort in continuously upgrading this knowledge. This can include information on courses undertaken, and articles and publications authored.

 Please note that this is not restricted to technical/tactical field know-how only. This can include your learning and development within your job function as HR, finance, administration, IT, road safety, intelligence, training, research, and day-to-day operations.


The individual who assisted others in improving the community and provided an outstanding contribution through volunteer work. For instance, the individual participated in volunteer programs, social groups, outreach centers, or after school groups


Organizations should nominate people who are:

  • From the public community who has shown extraordinary concern for the safety of society or helping other individuals who are most in need.
  • Working within a police force’s operational, field, leadership, or civilian roles functions can submit entries


  • Please do not submit your entries more than once. If multiple entries are received for the same person, the most recent entry will be considered, and older entries will be deleted
  • Awards Jury Members cannot be nominated or nominate themselves in this category
  • Incumbent police officers cannot be nominated or nominate themselves for this category

Cover letter:

The entry must include a cover letter summarising why the individual has been nominated in 300 words or less. The cover letter must be personalised and must articulate the nominee’s journey and story. The cover letter must include information on:

  • Initiatives taken to prevent an accident, help others in need or enhance the overall safety or the communities
  • Any act of collaboration with police forces to solve or prevent a crime can also be included

 Note: Cover letters can either be typed into the text box provided in the portal or may be uploaded as an attachment (word document or PDF).

Acknowledgment letters (mandatory)

Please include at least one acknowledgment/recommendation letter from your colleagues, neighbours, police officers, or other government officials highlighting your achievement. Accepted formats: PDFs or image files (JPG/PNG). Letters that do not have signatures will not be accepted. Letters must be addressed to the Awards Jury of the World Police Awards 2024.

Other supporting documents (Optional)

  • Links to any articles, interviews, or publications that highlight your story, initiatives as a good Samaritan
  • Photos or links to industry awards or recognition received if any

Measurable achievements and significant indicators of progress (40%)

Please highlight how the person has exhibited selfless acts of kindness, courage, or compassion to communities or people in distress. Include any instances where the person has gone beyond their physical capabilities to help the police solve a crime or suggest and implement changes to enhance societal safety and security.

 Impact (40%)

Please highlight your initiative/project that has a direct or indirect impact on public safety, community happiness, or saving the life of an individual. The geographical focus of the impact can be local, regional, or international.

 Please note that this is not restricted to technical/tactical field know-how only. This can include your learning and development within your job function as HR, finance, administration, IT, road safety, intelligence, training, research, and day-to-day operations.

 Recommendation (20%)

Please highlight recommendations and awards received from the police force or government agencies highlighting the individual’s achievements that have contributed to enhancing public safety or security. Letters of recommendation from police forces, law enforcement agencies or emergency response teams may also be included