Andrew Parkinson

Andrew Parkinson

Head of Crime Scene Investigation
Australian Federal Police

Andrew Parkinson is an experienced executive leader in law enforcement and currently holds the position of Coordinator Crime Scenes within the Australian Federal Police (AFP). He manages the AFP’s Crime Scenes, Forensic Search and Imagery, and Forensic Drug Intelligence resources and is responsible for the forensic response to AFP investigations within Australia and internationally. Andrew is passionate about the utilisation of science and technology within the law enforcement and national security environments.  

Andrew holds a Bachelor of Science (honours) in Applied Chemistry – Forensic Science, University of Technology Sydney; is a Master in Defence and Strategic Studies, Deakin University; and is a fellow of the Australian War College, Australian Defence College.

Andrew has extensive operational experience within crime scenes, both nationally and internationally, and as such has intimate knowledge of AFP forensics role within investigations, their capabilities, and key partnerships. Andrew is Forensic Coordinator trained (through the AFP and the Australian and New Zealand Counter Terrorism Committee) and has a proven ability to coordinate, manage and deliver the forensic response to a large number of key AFP and partner operations across a variety of crime types.

Andrew was responsible for, and led the AFP Forensics’ support to Operation IRONSIDE as the Deputy Senior Investigative Officer – Australian law enforcement’s largest ever transnational and serious organised crime operation. Other operational examples include downing of MH17, numerous Counter Terrorism operations across Australia, and numerous homicide investigations within the Australian Capital Territory.

Andrew has held a variety of leadership roles in the AFP, including managing Crime Scenes, Forensic Search and Imagery, Forensic Drug Intelligence, Weapons Technical Intelligence, Forensic Intelligence, Evidence Recovery, Forensic Operations Centre, and Counter Terrorism Rapid Response.