Anna Giudice

Anna Giudice

Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Anna Giudice (she/her) is a Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer at the Justice Section, Division for Treaty Affairs, UNODC Headquarters in Vienna. As a career UN staff she has worked with UNODC since 2000, in various functions relating to the implementation of the international drug and crime conventions and UN standards and norms on crime prevention and criminal justice. Her background is in Public International Law and International Human Rights Law. She is the Team Leader of the Access to Justice team within the Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Section. In this capacity she leads UNODC’s work in the area of access to justice, gender-sensitive and human-rights based police reform and victim support. In 2017, she led the development of the UNODC-OHCHR Resource book on use of force and firearms by law enforcement professionals amongst technical publications. She provides strategic advice to countries embarking in police reform processes. She is also the UNODC lead on racial discrimination and protection of minorities and leads the criminal justice pillar of the UN Network on Racial Discrimination and Protection of Minorities.