Brig. Gen. Marco Suarez

Brig. Gen. Marco Suarez

Military and Police Criminal Attorney General

His career is modeled by postgraduate training as a Master in Criminal Procedure Law, Specialist in: Police Service, Security, Constitutional Criminal Procedure and Military Justice, International Human Rights Law from the Alfonso X El Sabio University of Spain, as well as studies complementary in Police Law, International Humanitarian Law, Accusatory Penal System, Public Security, Operational Law and Criminal Investigation, among others.

He has a career characterized by his continuous dedication to the Institution and the community, holding operational, administrative and justice positions, among others in the Criminal Investigation Section of the Metropolitan Police of Bogotá, in the Casanare Police Department and in the Administrative and financial Directorate.

He was appointed in the Military and Police Criminal Justice as an Instance Judge of the Police Departments of Norte de Santander and Arauca. He held the position of Military Criminal Prosecutor of the General Inspection, then, he was appointed by the President of the Republic of Colombia in 2015 as Magistrate of the Superior Military and Police Court, where he served in 2017, 2018 and 2021 as President. He currently works as Military and Police Criminal Attorney General, by Presidential appointment since July 1, 2021.

He has participated in the normative construction of the Legislative Acts:

  • January/2012 - legal instruments of transitional justice-,
  • January/2015 - investigation and trial for members of the Public Force, in relation to an armed conflict-.
  • Law 1765 of 2015 - restructuring military and police criminal justice
  • organization and conformation of the Peace Agreements in Colombia and the System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Guarantees of Non-Repetition, stipulated in the agreement for the termination of the conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting peace.

He is a professor, author and co-author of several works, among which it is worth noting: Fundamentals of Military Criminal Law, Questions and Answers of Military Criminal Justice, Practical Guide for the Judicial Official, first Respondent for the Military Forces and the National Police and the Exception of Opportunity in the New Accusatory System of Military and Police Criminal Justice.