David Cliff

David Cliff

Chief Executive Officer
Global Road Safety Partnership

Dave Cliff began is his role as the CEO of the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) in April 2017.  GRSP is a hosted programme within the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies based in Switzerland focused on the reduction of road trauma in low- and middle-income countries. GRSP’s role includes operating road policing capacity building programmes across a variety of countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America as well as running a Road Policing Executive Leadership Course jointly with Johns Hopkins University.

Dave was previously the Assistant Commissioner: Road Policing for New Zealand (NZ) and Assistant Commissioner for policing across NZ’s South Island with responsibility for all policing functions.  Dave was a member of NZ’s National Road Safety Committee and a member of the NZ Police Executive between 2008 and 2017.  Dave has a 34-year policing career and has worked in a variety of general duties, criminal investigation and road policing roles.

Dave was appointment an Officer of the NZ Order of Merit (ONZM) in the 2012 Royal Honours and received a second Royal Honour in 2013 as a Member of the Order of St John (MStJ).  His awards recognised his policing achievements in emergency management and programmes to address under-age prostitution, family violence, missing persons, and alcohol-induced disorder and road policing.