Dr. Fuad Ali Tarbah

Dr. Fuad Ali Tarbah

Senior Forensic Toxicologist, General Dept. of Forensic Sciences & Criminology
Dubai Police

Dr.rer.nat. Fuad Ali Tarbah is a Libyan national working as a Senior Forensic Toxicologist at Dubai Police Forensic Science Department since 2004.

Former Director of Training, Development and Research in Dubai Police from 2006-2020.

Dr. Fuad hold at PhD in Forensic Toxicology from GTFCh, Germany.

1996 – 2004 working at the Institute of Legal Medicine Düsseldorf –Germany

2004 –now working at the General Dept. of Forensic Sciences and Criminology Dubai Police HQ 

Achievements and memberships:

  • Head of The scientific committee of Emirates Forensics conference 2016-2020
  • Holding of the Dubai Government Excellence Program Award (Specialized Government Employee Award 2014)
  • An international arbitrator in the International Organization of Forensic Toxicology Experts (TIAFT) to evaluate the best international toxicology expert
  • Publishing more than twenty scientific papers specialized in scientific journals and journals specialized in forensic sciences and forensic medicine.
  • Member of the International Association of Forensic Toxicology Experts (TIAFT) since 1999 until now
  • Member of the German Society of Toxicology and Forensic Chemistry GTFCh from 1997 until now
  • Member of the American Association of Forensic Laboratory Managers ASCLD since 2015 until now
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the University of Sharjah (College of Science) since 2014 until now
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the American University of Sharjah since 2014 - until now
  • Member of the Federal Committee to regulate the handling and use of pesticides and related criminal offenses
  • Member of the Federal Committee for Determining Concentrations of Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Alcohol in Blood and Urine Samples (Criminal Laboratories in the State)
  • - Member of the Committee for the inclusion of narcotics (synthetic cannabinoids - Spice) in the Federal Law on Combating Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances)