Dr. Patrick Baillie

Dr. Patrick Baillie

Consulting Psychologist
Calgary Police Service

Dr. Patrick Baillie is a forensic psychologist and lawyer who has been the Consulting Psychologist with the Calgary Police Service (CPS) since 1995. In addition to supporting other functions within CPS, he has completed thousands of assessments of recruit candidates, provided therapy with hundreds of police officers, and advocated for expanded mental health services for members.

He recently completed the writing of several book chapters, ranging from a chapter on law and ethics in the practice of psychology to a psychological autopsy of the wrongful conviction and prolonged incarceration of David Milgaard. Along with Doron Gold, he was one of the two subject-matter experts to assist in the design of the Canadian Bar Association's online course: Mental Health and Wellness in the Legal Profession.

In 2008, Dr. Baillie received the John G. Paterson Media Award from the Psychologists’ Association of Alberta for his work keeping the public informed about psychological knowledge via the media. In the months after the tragic events of September 11, 2001, he served as a volunteer psychologist with New York Police Department and, in 2011, he travelled to Haiti to provide psychological services after that country's devastating earthquake. He has appeared before Canadian parliamentary Justice or National Security Committees on six occasions, discussing Criminal Code amendments (on the verdict of "Not Criminally Responsible" and on Medical Assistance in Dying), a National Strategy on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, juror supports, and in-custody mental health services. In 2014 and 2021, he received the John Service Member of the Year Award from the Canadian Psychological Association, in recognition of his various volunteer efforts to promote the field of psychology. From June 2017 to June 2018, he was President of the Canadian Psychological Association.

Dr. Baillie appears frequently before the Courts, usually as an expert and only occasionally as an accused.