Dr. Rafael De Abreu Souza

Dr. Rafael De Abreu Souza

Forensic Coordinator
International Committee of the Red Cross

Rafael de Abreu e Souza is an archaeologist with national and international experience in archaeology, forensic archaeology and forensic anthropology (BA 2006, MSc 2010). His research focused on forensic archaeology, preliminary investigation and geospatial analysis on the search for missing persons (PhD 2019) while he also researched in the field of archaeology of the contemporary past, human ecology and social anthropology of highly mobile populations in semiarid lands (PhD 2017). Rafael worked in Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Somaliland in the field of human rights and search and identification of missing persons. Since 2016 he is dedicated to humanitarian forensic action at the ICRC working in countries such as, Georgia, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Iraq. He is currently the Forensic Coordinator of the ICRC in Iraq, a member of the Latin American Association of Forensic Anthropology (ALAF) and of the US-based Society for Black Archaeologists (SBA).