Dr. Sid Ahmed Benraouane

Dr. Sid Ahmed Benraouane

Innovation & Foresight Advisor

Dr. Sid Ahmed Benraouane is a thought leader with experience in digital transformation, technology policy, and government innovation. He is a member expert of the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 Artificial intelligence the committee tasked with the development of a set of ISO Standards on Artificial Intelligence, trustworthiness, risk management, and AI management system.

Dr. Benraouane teaches digital transformation and advises MENA Governments on innovation, digital transformation, and technology implementation. He is a speaker at the World Government Summit (UAE), BAIDEC/MEMTEC conference (Bahrain), Big Data and Cloud Show (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), and World Mobility and Autonomous Driving Conference (UAE).

Dr. Benraouane has published many books on technology policy, technology implementation, and innovation. In his book “Using the ISO 56002 Innovation Management System: A Practical Guide for Implementation and Building a Culture of Innovation,” Dr. Benraouane provides a step-by-step planning process that helps government leaders design an ecosystem that engages and empowers innovators and creative minds.