Brigadier General Patrick PERROT

Brigadier General Patrick PERROT

Head of AI
Gendarmerie Nationale

Artificial intelligence coordinator for the Gendarmerie Nationale, General Patrick Perrot has a PhD in artificial intelligence from TelecomParisTech.

He has combined operational command functions with the exercise of science in the fight against all forms of crime. Author of many publications in the field of AI applied to forensic sciences as well as to intelligence, he is at the origin of many innovative developments in AI for the benefit of security.

He teaches at various universities and is a researcher at the Law, Accountability and Social Trust in AI Chair held by Professor Céline Castets-Renard, ANITI (Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute) as well as at the Centre d'Étude des Radicalisations et de leurs Traitements of the University of Paris.

He is also an AI expert at the EuropIA Institute, the Hub France IA, the Sapiens Institute and co-chair at the European Strategic Group on AI.