Geoff Wiltshire

Geoff Wiltshire

Dog School and Operational Manager
Surrey Police

I joined the Metropolitan Police service in 1997 and went on to work two firearm support dogs in London doing numerous firearm searches with our armed units. I took part in the National Police Dog trials. I qualified as a Dog Legislation officer and was involved in many seizures and cases involving Dangerous breeds. In 2011 I joined the Metropolitan Police Dog School as Chief instructor where I worked until my retirement in 2016, including working a passive Drugs dog during the 2012 Olympics.. We trained thousands of police dogs during those years in all disciplines.

In 2016 I set up a company called London search dogs and worked at numerous high profile London sporting and musical events. I also ran the first ever Firearms support course for Singapore Police and revisited to licence their dogs a year later. I also was employed as a consultant to an African Wildlife park to prevent the sale of illegal animal products.

In 2019 I was recruited by Surrey Police and Sussex Police as the operational Dog manager and Manager of the dog school. Surrey have been running a dog school since 1950. We provide courses to numerous agencies and police services around the world. This year we have run courses in Victim recovery, Digital detection, water drowned recovery, Explosive search both people screening and pro-active, narcotics pro-active and passive and General purpose Police dogs.