Howard Way

Howard Way

Disaster Victim Identification Consultant ICRC

Howard Way is a Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Consultant for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Howard served with London’s Metropolitan Police for over 30 years in a variety of roles including homicide investigation. He has volunteered and specialised in Disaster Victim Identification for over 25 years, becoming a coordinator for the United Kingdom National DVI Unit and Chair of the INTERPOL DVI Working Group during his time spent in the police service.

He has experience in coordinating the response to mass fatality incidents in a variety of different scenarios assisting various countries. In 2015 Howard was awarded an honour by HM Queen Elizabeth II for “Services
to Disaster Victim Identification.” Since leaving the police service in 2021 and now as director of DVI Resilience, Howard delivers DVI training to governmental and non-governmental organisations across the world.

Howard signed up as a consultant for ICRC in 2022 as he was keen to continue to contribute to the humanitarian response to incidents involving multiple or mass fatalities, as well as supporting capacity building projects to help prepare for such events