Janet Crespo Cajigas

Janet Crespo Cajigas

Chemistry PhD Candidate
Florida International University

Janet M. Crespo Cajigas is currently a fourth-year graduate student at Florida International University (FIU) working towards her Ph.D. in Chemistry with a track in analytical forensic science under the supervision of Dr. Kenneth G. Furton and Dr. Lauryn E. DeGreeff. Janet earned her bachelor’s degree (B.S.) in Chemistry in 2019 from the University of Puerto Rico at the Mayagüez (UPRM) and her master’s degree (M.S.) in Chemistry in 2022 from FIU. She has participated in a Research Experience for Undergraduates at UPRM as well as three summer internships at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). Her research is focused on the scientific support of canine detection with projects such as the development of cross-contamination sensors for canine training aids and the geographical sourcing of marijuana from its odor profile. Janet has presented at various conferences including the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), American Academy of Forensic Science, Pittcon, American Chemical Society. She has two peer-reviewed publications, one in Talanta and one in MDPI Biosensors, one patent filed as a result of her NRL internship, and one patent pending on her current research.