Kym Craven

Kym Craven

Executive Director
National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives (NAWLEE)

Kym Craven is the executive director of the National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives and the director of the Public Safety Strategies Group LLC.

Ms. Craven began her 36-year career at the Lowell, Massachusetts Police Department working in several areas including traffic safety, community engagement, and grants management.

During her career, Ms. Craven has assisted over 350 municipalities, state agencies, and non-profits in reaching their organization goals. She specializes in facilitating and conducting organizational assessments; providing strategic planning assistance; increasing recruitment and retention, developing surveys; designing officer safety and wellness programs; launching co-responder programs; analyzing data analysis; providing staffing analysis; aligning police district boundary assessments; writing and managing grants, along with helping agencies implement strategies to build trust with and engage communities.  Her passion is ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion in law enforcement- both internally and externally.

For NAWLEE, Ms. Craven has expanded partnerships, increased training, developed grant programs, created curriculum, and increased member benefits.  NAWLEE is actively involved in many initiatives to increase the number of women in law enforcement, retain the women already working in agencies, and provide support through mentoring, training, and developing recruitment strategies. Ms. Craven is a subject matter expert for the Collaborative Reform Initiative – Technical Assistance Center, and Elevate Blue. In addition, she represents NAWLEE on the National Suicide Alliance, and the Faith and Blue Weekend Consortium.

Ms. Craven holds a BS in criminal justice from the University of Lowell and a MA in criminal justice from Anna Maria College. A former police officer Ms. Craven holds certificates in community policing, leadership facilitation, incident command, vulnerability assessments, emergency response planning, terrorism threat assessment, and numerous other criminal justice programs.

Ms. Craven is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, New England Chiefs of Police, and the International Association of Women in Policing.