Lt. Rudy Perez

Lt. Rudy Perez

National Association of School Resource Officers

Lieutenant Rudy Perez was born in Guatemala and is a 22-year veteran of the Los Angeles School Police Department. He has worked a variety of assignments including policing high school and middle school campuses, patrol, interagency task forces, gang detail unit, lead detective for the Threat Assessment Unit / Mental Health team, and Adjutant to the Chief of Police. Lieutenant Rudy Perez is currently working as a commanding officer overseeing two LASPD divisions in the east & south-central schools of Los Angeles.

Lieutenant Perez is a graduate of the FBI National Academy session 280, holds a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice Management and has completed dozens of specialized and advanced supervisor’s and officer’s training courses including Patrol Combat Tactics, Social Networks Investigations, Threat Assessment Investigations, Mental Health, Gang Investigation, Narcotics Course, and Tactical Communications. In addition, he sits on several national boards and organizations having to do with law enforcement. These include the executive board of the National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO President), where he is a national and international practitioner. Lieutenant Perez has presented as a technology expert on a panel at the ASIS International Security Conference.

Lieutenant Perez has testified at the White House for the Federal School Safety Commission as an expert on school safety and is co-founder of the charity The Friends of Safe Schools U.S.A., which supports the efforts of safety and education across the country. He is also involved as a member of several other organizations dedicated to supporting law enforcement and families of law enforcement, such as being the Vice President of California Coalition of Law Enforcement Association (CCLEA, which represents over 100,000 police officers in California), Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) and Peace Officers Research Association of California (Director at Large in PORAC which represents 90,000 police officers in California).

Lieutenant Perez served the Los Angeles School Police Officers Association as the Presidentand Vice President, which represented 500 Officers. He has instructed labor managersnationally in the areas of labor relations, political action committees, employee rights and critical incident response.

Lieutenant Perez is extremely passionate about his involvement in police work. He has an endless number of stories and experiences under his belt that bring truth, credibility, and expertise to anything he talks about regarding law enforcement and public safety. His personal connections with federal and local law enforcement agencies span worldwide, which broadens his scope of knowledge on a national and international level.