Martin Kirby

Martin Kirby

Metropolitan Police

I joined the Metropolitan Police Service in 2002 after completing a Bachelor’s degree in Law. I was initially posted to response team policing before a short stint in Intelligence and proactive policing focusing on tackling the Class A drug trade in Tower Hamlets Borough – a vibrant, diverse and deprived Borough in East London. I was promoted to Sergeant in 2005 and posted to another East London Borough, Waltham Forest, where I undertook roles including Response Team Policing, Neighbourhood and Partnership policing and established a Gangs Unit to proactively tackle street gangs and divert offenders away from crime. During this time I also completed a Master’s Degree in International Criminal Justice before being promoted to Inspector and moving to Barking and Dagenham Borough where I worked as a Response Team Inspector before taking acting promotion to Chief Inspector with responsibility for 24/7 Emergency Response Policing and latterly Neighbourhoods, Partnership and local Counter Terrorism arrangements. During this time I developed a new policy and approach for dealing with “Unauthorised Encampments” which was replicated by a number of other UK Police Forces (Operation Bramble). On substantive promotion to Chief Inspector I was posted back to Tower Hamlets where I served for around 3 years as Neighbourhoods and Partnership lead before transferring to MO6 – the MPS’s Public Order Branch. During my time in MO6 I developed a new policy and Force wide response to Unlicensed Music Events or “Raves” under Operation Lakenvelder. I had responsibility for Corporate Tasking and Public Order Crime investigations. I was promoted to Superintendent in 2021 and transferred to the Transformation Directorate with responsibility for delivering corporate change programmes. I transferred to MO7 – the MPS Taskforce in 2022 where I currently hold responsibility for Mounted Policing, the Dog Support Unit, Marine Policing, The Air Support Unit and as of very recently Police use of drones. I have been a member of the Met’s Advanced Public Order Cadre since 2016 and am qualified as a Bronze (Operational), Silver (Tactical) and Gold (Strategic) Public order Commander. I assist in training, developing and mentoring new Public Order Commanders. I have been involved in delivering Policing for most major events in London over recent years including HM The Queens Funeral, The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, New Years Eve, Notting Hill Carnival, Black Lives Matter protests, Trooping the Colour, the NATO Conference, Extinction rebellion and other climate change protests. I regularly Command Football Policing Operations. I am also a Counter Terrorism Security Coordinator (CT SecCo), Marauding Terrorist Attack (MTA) Silver Commander and Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Silver Commander.