Milton Fornazari

Milton Fornazari

Delegate of the Executive Secretary

Mr. Fornazari took office as Executive Secretary’s Delegate of AMERIPOL on May 2021, in Bogota,

Mr Fornazari has been working as Brazilian Federal Police Commissioner since 2008. Before that, he worked as Districtal Attorney in São Paulo, Brazil. As Federal Police Comissioner, Mr Fornazari has coordinated several investigations and police operations against public corruption, money laudering and human smuggling in Brazil.

He also was in charge of the Federal Police´s Anti Financial and Public Corruption
Crimes Unit, in São Paulo, Brazil.

Mr Fornazari holds a PhD in Criminal Procedural Law and a Master's in Criminal Law
from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. He is Professor at the Federal
Police Academy and already worked as Examiner of the Public Tender for the Position
of Brazilian Federal Police Commissioner. He also wrote two books: "International
Cooperation: Mutual Legal Assistance." e "Internacional Police Law Investigation",
both about international police and legal cooperation.