Nicole Miriam Scala

Nicole Miriam Scala

Universita' La Sapienza

Psychologist and psychotherapist. She is an expert in emergency and traffic psychology.

Contract professor in General Psychology, Didactics and Special Pedagogy and in Experimental Didactics at the “Sapienza” University of Rome. Specialized judge at the High Court of Justice of L'Aquila, underage section. Consultant at the National Recruitment Center of the Guardia di Finanza (Italian Financial Guard).

Trainer at the TAIEX (European Union DG Enlargement) courses on road safety for third countries, she is expert member of the CCAM (Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility) Committee at the European Commission DGMove, member of the Technical Committee 3.1 Road safety policies and programs of the Italian section of PIARC – World Road Association.

Nicole is now involved in several studies on the importance of a correct awareness for juveniles and neo-parents, focused on the use of child restraint systems, as also reported into published scientific articles.