Peter Greenfield

Peter Greenfield

Senior Instructor, Dog Unit
Surrey Police

Pete now has over 42 years’ Policing experience.
He joined the then Surrey Constabulary in November 1979 as a uniformed officer. He worked on the streets as a patrol officer both on foot and in patrol cars for over 5 years.

After gaining experience he joined CID for two years before returning to uniform having been selected onto the Dog Section in April 1989.
He has worked a total of four General Purpose Police Dogs, and three Explosive Detection Search Dogs.
Pete qualified as an A.C.P.O General Purpose Police Dog Instructor in 1995 and was awarded the Higher BETEC Diploma in Police Dog Instruction in 1999.
He is also qualified as an Explosive and Drugs Search dog Instructor.

He has been involved in full time training since qualifying apart from a short break in 2006 for 12 months when he returned to operational dog patrol.
During this period has facilitated many Police, Prison and International Initial courses which includes General Purpose, Drugs/cash/firearms, Explosives, Instructor courses as well as Scanning Drugs and Scanning Explosives as well as Firearm Support and Public order support dogs.

He is also a qualified trials judge and National assessor.

He has trained overseas students from all over the world including Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Oman, Bahrain, Turkey, St Helena, Singapore, Gibraltar, Qatar, Latvia, Russia, Estonia, Lithuania, Guernsey, Jersey and the Seychelles.

He retired from the Police service in February 2010 after 30 years’ and was immediately employed as a civilian Police Dog Instructor still at the Surrey Police Dog Training School.

In 2017 he was promoted into his current role of Senior Instructor.