Sejla Idrizbegovic

Sejla Idrizbegovic

Forensics Specialist
International Committee of the Red Cross

Sejla Idrizbegovic, MSc is a Forensic Genetics Specialist in the ICRC’s Forensic Genetics Centre (FGC) in Tbilisi, Georgia. She has more than 18 years of experience with DNA analysis methods for degraded DNA samples recovered from human skeletal remains in missing person identification contexts. Sejla is an expert in degraded, low-copy number DNA profile interpretation, optimization, validation, and quality assurance of laboratory methods and instruments under ISO/IEC 17025.

Sejla has worked on a number of missing person identification projects that include Western Balkans, Thailand Tsunami victim identification, Hurricane Katrina, Flight MH-17, Georgia/Abkhazia/South Ossetia missing project, and others.

Together with other Forensic Specialists in the ICRC’s FGC team, she continues working on casework but also supports ICRC humanitarian forensic action worldwide through training, consultations, and advice with a focus on strengthening and building sustainable local forensic genetic capacities.