Tobias Gustavsson

Tobias Gustavsson

Dog Trainer and Instructor
Canine Consulting

Tobias has been working full-time as a dog trainer and instructor for the last 20 years. He is one of the founders of SWDI and one of the authors of “Tracking Dogs - Scents and Skills”. After 12 years he decided to leave SWDI and start up his own company, “Canine Consulting by Tobias Gustavsson”. His main clients are government agencies around the world. That includes police K9 units, police and military special operations forces, government dog teams for large carnivore management, search and rescue dog teams, customs, and prison service. He is specialized in tracking and scent detection and have an extensive experience in developing skills in dog teams on all levels.

Some of his clients:

  • Police forces in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Finland, Netherlands, Germany, Canada, Chile, the US, the UK, Australia, Switzerland, Slovakia, New Zeeland, and Argentina.
  • Military dog schools in Sweden, Mexico, Germany, Norway and Denmark Military and police special operation forces in Switzerland, Norway, Poland, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Lithuania Canadian Police Canine Association California Narcotics Canine Association GSG9, German Federal Police