Vikram Singh Nanda

Vikram Singh Nanda

Principal Engineer
Element Materials Technology

Vikram is a University Gold Medallist in Bachelor of Technology (Year 1993-98) in Mechanical Engineering with Specialization in Welding Metallurgy & Technology. He has a Master's Degree in Metallurgical Engineering with Honors (Year 1998-2000) in the area of industrial / Mechanical Metallurgy from the Indian Institute of Technology, IT-Roorkee, India. Mr. Singh is a member of American Society for Metals (ASM), ASM International, ASM-Failure Analysis Society, ASM- Heat Treating Society, ASM-International Metallographic Society, Former member of NACE - International, TMS - The Mineral, Metals and Materials Society, and was also remained active member of Editorial committee member of Indian Institute of Metals IIM-Mumbai, India. Vikram has over 20+ years of experience in Materials Characterization by Scanning Electron Microscopy

(SEM-EDS), Fracture Surface (fractography) Analysis, Metallurgical Failure Investigations (Oil & Gas), Fracture Mechanics, Metallographic Studies, Structure - Property co-relation, Mechanical and Fracture Toughness Testing. He has 5 years of Research Experience as Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in the area of Manufacturing and Testing of Metal Matrix Composites in IT-Bombay (India) and has in-depth knowledge in Scanning Electron Microscopy of Ferrous / Non-ferrous materials, High temperature materials, Fatigue testing of materials, Heat Treatment of Industrial Ferrous Materials, Damage/ Failure mechanisms and Materials selection for specific end applications.

Vikram has worked on more than 1000 Metallurgical Failure Investigation Projects on a variety of components used within petrochemical plants, oil and gas transmission pipelines, offshore structures, earth moving equipment, food processing equipment / industries, pharmaceutical plants, gas turbine engine components, steel mill, automotive and defence equipment. Vikram has experience in site testing / sample collection for incidents related to accidents and then conducting detailed laboratory based Investigations to support Govt Agencies / Police in their Forensic Investigations.

Vikram's Current role in Element-Abu Dhabi lab, is to Lead the team of failure analysts and metallurgists, review as well as approve failure investigation reports and provide expert opinion / technical recommendations based on the outcome of Metallurgical Failure Investigation. He also passionately extend his services as Motivator, Mentor & instil core-competence by sharing technical knowledge with young metallurgists in other regional element labs within middle east (KSA / Oman / Qatar / Dubai) for variousmetallurgical, SEM / EDS testing and failure analysis as well as consultancy requirements.