Dr. Fatima Waziri-Azi

Dr. Fatima Waziri-Azi

Director General,
National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking In Persons

Prof Fatima Waziri–Azi, is a Professor of Law at the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies;
Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (United Kingdom), Notary Public for
Nigeria; a distinguished academic, a published author, legal practitioner, and human rights activist.
Prior to her appointment as Director-General of the National Agency for the Prohibition of
Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP), she was the Senior Special Assistant to former President
Muhammadu Buhari on Rule of Law, Office of the Vice President (2019-2021).

Prof Waziri–Azi, has a Bachelor of Laws Degree from the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria; Barristerat-
Law Degree from the Nigeria Law School Lagos; Masters of Law Degree in International Law and
Human Rights, from St Thomas University School of Law, Miami–Florida, USA; a Doctor of Juridical
Science Degree (PhD in Law) from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Pittsburgh–
Pennsylvania State, USA; and a Certificate in Public Leadership from the Harvard Kennedy School
Executive Education Program, Boston-Massachusetts, USA.

Her past work experiences include: Attorney & Program Officer at Human Rights Law Service
(Lagos); Legal Associate at the New York City, Administration of Children Services, Division of Legal
Services (New York); Legal Fellow at Transparency International USA, (Washington, D.C.);
Researcher at the Presidential Advisory Committee Against Corruption (PACAC). Prof Waziri- Azi is
the 2022 winner of the prestigious University of Pittsburgh Sheth International Young Alumni
Achievement Award.

A prolific author, Prof. Waziri–Azi, has authored and edited books and is widely published in reputable
local and international journals. In 2016 she founded the Safe Haven Foundation, an organization
dedicated to the protection of women and children. She is a member of the Nigerian Bar Association;
New York County Lawyers Association, Association of Women in Development; Women in
International Security and the International Scrabble Club.