Idayat Hassan

Idayat Hassan

Center for Democracy and Development

I am a leading expert, thinker, and practitioner with two decades of experience working to support, document, and promote efforts to build peace, democracy, and development across West Africa. I have extensive experience leading and managing research teams in the undertaking of cutting edge research and analysis on the role of social media, the challenges of insecurity and the opportunities for transitional justice, the changing nature of democracy, approaches to governance and anti-corruption across the sub-region. As Director of the Centre for Democracy and Development, the think tank has risen from being unranked in the University of Pennsylvania Global Go To Think Tank Index Report to 11th of out 94 think tanks in Africa in 2020.

Understanding drivers of insecurity and working to provide technical advice and guidance on peacebuilding and transitional efforts is an area where I hold significant expertise. My work in this area is driven by three approaches to counter insurgency: a decentralized, bottom-up approach, a de-radicalization, rehabilitation and reintegration approach, and a transitional justice approach. I have provided extensive scholarly contributions and analytical insight on the evolution of Boko Haram since 2009, and my strong networks and research have helped me develop thought-leading assessments of the insecurity challenges facing Nigeria – ranging from farmer-herder conflicts to secessionist agitation in the southeast, to the rise of banditry in the northwest. This knowledge has been captured in regular commentary to leading global media and in policy oriented reports and briefings. I have also published in academic journals and for the UK and US governments. My expertise was recognised by the Nigerian government, and I was involved in Operation Safe Corridor from its inception, providing foundational ideas and operational advice. I am currently working with the Economic Commission for West Africa states (ECOWAS) to support the development of a Transitional Justice handbook for the sub region.

In the last five years I have taken a specific interest in issues relating to technology and civic engagement. My research portfolio includes research on the disinformation landscape in Nigeria and the threats posed by online-offline interactions of shared content; the role of WhatsApp in political party mobilisation in the country; the risks posed by internet shutdowns; the opportunities for greater regulatory engagement and the need for more pro-active communication by government and social media platforms across the sub-region; and the threat posed by disinformation and illiberal influence in West Africa. My writing on the subject has appeared in leading academic publications such as the Journal of Democracy and has been featured by international media such as the Mail and Guardian, The Economist and the BBC. I am regularly asked to provide briefings to national, regional, continental, and international bodies to share my expertise and insights both on and off the record. My work on social media recently led to my appointment to the African Union technical working committee tasked with developing the Principles and Guidelines Governing Digital and Social Media in Elections in Africa. I am also the co-editor of the leading book on WhatsApp in West Africa published in 2022 by Bloomsbury.

Finally, my work to support elections across Africa has been extensive and far reaching. I have led, or provide technical support, to civil society programs on elections and democracy in 13 countries in West Africa, including the design and implementation of innovative civic education support to local groups in Burkina Faso in 2015 and efforts to build Togolese civil society networks. I co-authored a guide on risk factors for elections in the G5 Sahel and developed a related project plan for implementation by International IDEA. As a regular observer of elections across the continent for the African Union and Commonwealth Secretariat, as well as the convenor of the CDD Election Analysis Centre, which covers Nigeria  and West Africa elections, I have a wealth of knowledge about these processes and provided regular and extensive commentary to a host of leading international media on elections in the sub-region. In 2022 I was appointed a member of the Nigerian Peace Committee, a body made up of prominent citizens charged with maintaining peace during Nigeria’s election.

As a proven leader and strategic thinker, I sit on several national and international advisory boards, providing insights on thought-leading technical working committees and have been awarded fellowships at world leading institutions including Harvard and Yale universities and the Centre for Strategic and International Studies. I am regularly consulted by leading national, continental, and international bodies providing insights and analysis that shape their engagements and thinking on issues of democracy, the role of social media, peace and security, transparent and accountable governance, and wider development across Africa.