Sanja Veic

Sanja Veic

General Secretary,

As a police officer I had a long career in Road Safety. I was working at Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, in the General Police Directorate - Road Safety Service for more than 25 years, as independent police inspector. After high school I graduated as security engineer. My job position was on national level, so included coordination, and cooperation with all regional traffic police forces.

I was involved in Croatian negotiation process for membership in the European Union since its beginning as member of interministerial experts group dealing with implementation of EU Directives in the road transport area.

Also, I was involved in creation of National road safety programme of the Republic of Croatia 2011-2020 which was based on EU 4th Action Programme for the road traffic safety 2011-2020 and UN Decade of Action.

During 2004 and 2005 I was representative of Croatia at UNECE WP1 - Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety. With years of experience, in 2013 I became a member of European Commission’s expert group CARE - the European Union's road accidents database and High Level Group on Road Safety as well as ETSC PIN panellist for Croatia.

I’ve started in TISPOL in year 2013, so I am a part of TISPOL/ROADPOL network for almost ten years. From 2019 I became a member of the Executives and in the last two years I was a ROADPOL Vice President.

Every road user should be a safe user! I am very proud to be a General Secretary and I hope with the help of our members and further development of cooperation with our Road Safety partners we could achieve our mission and vision that no one should die on roads!