Volker Orben

Volker Orben


Volker Orben is experienced in state and federal traffic and constitutes his main area of expertise. His career led him to the situation room at the Headquarters in Mainz, as deputy head of a motorway police and on to the Ministry of the Interior Rhineland-Palatinate. He took over the traffic policing portfolio at the Ministry when he worked for the Head of the Rhineland-Palatinate Police Service.

For many years he was part of the Committee for Internal Leadership and has played a significant role in implementing the cycle of leadership. Orben is representative of the Rhineland-Palatinate Interior Ministry´s Road Traffic Group in the committee representing both the states and the federation and also headed the subproject "Traffic Safety 2017".

In 2016, Orben was named the German representative in the European Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) TISPOL and was elected into the board by the member states of TISPOL. Almost at the same time he was made privy to the leadership of the working Group "Operations" - OPG.

Volker Orben with his German TISPOL office organizes the annual one-week TISPOL conference with international participants and speakers at the Rhineland-Palatinate Police University in cooperation with the Rhineland-Palatinate Police University.

Since April 2019 Orben has been TISPOL President. As a main topic during his presidency he is highlighting the necessity of harmonising traffic rules in Europe. From March until July 2019 he was seconded to European Commission DG MOVE where he was working among other things on Cross Border Enforcement Directive.

ROADPOL President from March 2020 to September 2022.