Kayleigh Gatenby

Kayleigh Gatenby


Kayleigh Gatenby is the Staff Officer and PMO Manager of the Digital Safety CIC and has been an integral part of the team as they have grown and delivered programmes internationally. She holds qualifications in the field of criminology and policing including BSc (Hons) Criminology and Forensic Science and MSc International and Transnational Policing. After completing her studies, Kayleigh was part of a collaborative team involved in the setup of a pathfinding Home Office Programme relating to digital capabilities before progressing to the set-up of a successful start-up company. She has experience working within the Foreign National Offenders Unit in North Umbria Police Force, analyzing National processes around Human Trafficking referrals in the UK and writing a review into professional standards and processes within National Policing. These experiences have led to excellent project management, business analysis and research skills.